Schumpeter, writing in the Economist, gives an interesting breakdown of the sources of funds for HBS: tuition fee (17%), executive education (23%), publishing (29%) and endowments (31%). The IIMs and other business schools should compare their own funding pattern with that of HBS and see how they stack up. The crucial thing to note is that tuition accounts for only a sixth of revenues.
The break-up for IIMA in 2013-14 (the last year for which the annual report is available) is: tuition fee (43%), consulting (22%), interest income (21%) and others (14%). It should be clear that tuition bears a much bigger chunk of the burden of generating funds at IIMA than at HBS.
The break-up for IIMA in 2013-14 (the last year for which the annual report is available) is: tuition fee (43%), consulting (22%), interest income (21%) and others (14%). It should be clear that tuition bears a much bigger chunk of the burden of generating funds at IIMA than at HBS.
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